<%= render(Zui::Card.new(class: "w-full md:w-[450px] p-8 mx-auto")) do |card| %>
<%= zui_vertical_form_with(model: post, url: "/") do |form| %>
<%= form.input :title, as: :text_field,
hint: "Choose a catchy one!",
options: {
placeholder: "Quantum Leap"
} %>
<%= form.input :body, as: :text_area %>
<%= form.input :status, as: :select, collection: Post::STATUSES,
options: {include_blank: true},
html_options: {required: true} %>
<%= form.input :comments_enabled, as: :check_box, hint: "We recommend leaving the comments disabled" %>
<%= form.input :comments, as: :check_box, options: { checked: true } %>
<%= form.input :notifications, as: :switch, hint: "We recommend turning on the notifications" %>
<%= form.input :author_ids, as: :collection_check_boxes, label: "Authors",
collection: Author.all, value_method: :id, text_method: :name,
layout: :grid %>
<%= form.input :author_id, as: :collection_radio_buttons, label: "Reviewer",
hint: "Choose a reviewer for this post",
collection: Author.all, value_method: :id, text_method: :name,
layout: :grid %>
<%= form.input :reviewer_id, as: :collection_select, label: "Reviewer",
collection: Author.all, value_method: :id, text_method: :name %>
<%= form.input :to_be_unpublished_on, as: :date_select %>
<%= form.input :to_be_published_on, as: :date_field %>
<%= form.input :incinerate_on, as: :datetime_select %>
<%= form.input :creator_email, as: :email_field %>
<%= form.input :hero_image, as: :file_field %>
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-3">
<%= form.input :month, as: :month_field %>
<%= form.input :related_stories_to_show, as: :number_field %>
<%= form.input :password, as: :password_field %>
<%= form.input :phone, as: :phone_field %>
<%= form.input :name, as: :search_field %>
<%= form.input :phone, as: :phone_field %>
<div class="grid grid-cols-5 gap-3">
<div class="col-span-2">
<%= form.input :time, as: :time_select, prompt: true, ampm: true %>
<div class="col-span-3">
<%= form.input :time_zone, as: :time_zone_select, options: {include_blank: true} %>
<%= form.input :canonical_url, as: :url_field, label: "Canonical URL" %>
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-3">
<%= form.input :week, as: :week_field %>
<%= form.input :weekday, as: :weekday_select %>
<%= form.submit 'Save', class: "w-full" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>