A Rails 7.1 app configured with ZestUI ready to go and all future updates and additions
If you are not satisfied with ZestUI, you can request a refund within 14 days of purchase. No questions asked.
<%=render(Zui::Accordion.new)do|accordion|%><%=accordion.itemdo|item|%><%=item.title{"What is included in Pre-Launch?"}%><%=item.content{"A Rails 7.1 app configured with ZestUI ready to go and all future updates and additions"}%><%end%><%=accordion.itemdo|item|%><%=item.title{"What is your refund policy?"}%><%=item.contentdo"If you are not satisfied with ZestUI, you can request a refund within 14 days of purchase. No questions asked."end%><%end%><%end%>